어도비 오디션 멜로다인 - eodobi odisyeon mellodain

I can't say that I'm that surprised that they wouldn't talk helpfully to you about it. Even if they had, they would have been blaming Adobe anyway; that's what manufacturers always do. We don't think that this is actually a Melodyne issue though, so they'd probably be correct - for once. Normally VST issues turn out to be the fault of the people who take shortcuts when writing them, and Audition in particular doesn't like those; this has caused quite a bit of friction in the past, but also quite a few re-writes. Nobdy's immune - even Waves had to at one stage!

Hi. I've got more or less the same Problem. I tried with Celemony Melodyne, Antares Autotune and one that is called "vielklang", all as a trial-installation. All of them should do more or less the same, for me important manual pitch correction.

Celemony Melodyne: Changes will not be applied to wave, even if you are applying and everything looks good - only when you hear it again you notice that the work was in vain.

Antares Autotune: Changes will be applied, but no matter what was worked out, the entire sequence is reduced to just one tone!

Vielklang: Audition cant open this Plugin, it isnt showed in plugin window (audition and plugin are 64bit, VST & VST3 Version - both were not found by audition).

I downloaded Trail-Versions of other DAWs, Presonus Studio One 4 and the actual Reaper. All three Plugins work fine with Studio One and Reaper - so I'm pretty sure it's not a failure of these three plugins, the problem is in Audition.

I read something about ARA and ARA2 -support. I don't know what ARA means or is, but it's mostly said that it is important for those plugins and as far as I know, Audition don't support ARA. Is this correct?
That said, is it also true that such plugins can never work in audition?

Before someone tells me "manual pitch correction"-tool in Audition could be the solution - tried to learn to use it. Not that difficult, but it is heavy time consuming, confusing and simply not an alternative to the plugins mentioned before.

n addition, it is extremely cumbersome that this, like the plugins mentioned, if they would work, can only be used in the editor. In other words, you can only hear the track you are editing, never in the meantime how the corrections affect the overall sound.

It is clear to me that Audition is not known as the DAW with which you record and mix orchestras or bands. But to say the least it is quite embarrassing that Audition is so behind the times, considering that it is one of the much more expensive DAWs on the market. 

In summary: Audition does not seem to be able to use these plugins correctly (explicitly the graphical, manual mode), right or wrong?
If correct, will there be an update in the foreseeable future to compensate for this weakness?
If such an update came, would it turn out to be possible to use a manual pitch correction in multitrack mode (would be very helpful!)?

Again, what is currently offered as manual pitch correction is unfortunately of little help, much too slow to use and also only available in editor mode - in short, useless.

Thanks a lot for any help or ideas or knowledge 😉

Music/나를 위해

2019. 10. 8. 12:00


자막바 일러스트 - 나쪼(@ANN_S2_S2) 님

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'Music > 나를 위해' 카테고리의 다른 글

어도비 오디션 3.0 믹싱/마스터링(Feat.오토튠,멜로다인)  (0)골드웨이브로 초간단 잡음 제거하는 법!  (0)멜로다인 시험판 설치/실행하는 방법 | Melodyne 4 Studio Trial  (0)어도비 오디션 3.0에서 실수로 닫은 창 원래대로 되돌리는 법  (0)어도비 오디션 3.0에서 음악 파일이 드래그가 안되는 문제 해결하는 방법(Feat.골든웨이브)  (0)

Written by DoubleYL

래퍼지망생 Double Y.L의 블로그입니다

   Double Y.L, melodyne, 멜로다인 사용법, 어도비 오디션 3.0

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