아나콘다 pip 업그레이드 - anakonda pip eobgeuleideu

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아나콘다 업데이트 하기

한무님 2022. 6. 6. 13:58

1. 아나콘다 프롬프트 실행

아나콘다 pip 업그레이드 - anakonda pip eobgeuleideu
시작 메뉴 옆 검색창에서 Anaconda Prompt 검색하여 실행

2. 아나콘다 커맨드 창에 conda update -n base conda 입력

아나콘다 pip 업그레이드 - anakonda pip eobgeuleideu
conda update -n base conda

3. 아나콘다 커맨드 창에 conda update --all 입력

아나콘다 pip 업그레이드 - anakonda pip eobgeuleideu
conda update --all

4. 아나콘다 커맨드 창에 python -m pip install --upgrade pip 입력

아나콘다 pip 업그레이드 - anakonda pip eobgeuleideu
python -m pip install --upgrade pip


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아나콘다 가상환경 생성, 삭제  (0) 2022.06.12


anaconda, PIP, Python, Update, Upgrade, 아나콘다, 업그레이드, 업데이트

  • 아나콘다 pip 업그레이드 - anakonda pip eobgeuleideu
    [아나콘다] 가상환경으로 작업중인 파이썬 프로젝트 현재 사용중인 패키지(모듈) 저장 파일 (packagelist.txt) import/export 하는 방법
  • 아나콘다 pip 업그레이드 - anakonda pip eobgeuleideu
    아나콘다 가상환경 생성, 삭제


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From time to time you may need to upgrade PIP in Anaconda. In this short guide, you’ll see a quick way to upgrade PIP in Anaconda.

In order to upgrade PIP to the latest version, simply apply the following command in the Anaconda Prompt:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

In the next section, you’ll see the full steps to upgrade PIP, just in case you were wondering how to perform the upgrade from scratch.

Step 1: Open the Anaconda Prompt

The first thing that you’ll need to do is to open the Anaconda Prompt. You’ll then see a screen with your user name:

(base) C:\Users\Ron>

Step 2: Type the command to upgrade pip

Type the following command (as you saw at the beginning of this guide), and then press Enter:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

This is how the command would look like:

(base) C:\Users\Ron>python -m pip install ––upgrade pip

After few seconds or so, the latest version of PIP would be installed on your machine:

Successfully installed pip-21.1.1

Step 3 (optional): Check the version of pip

You can check the version of PIP by opening the Anaconda Prompt, and then typing:

pip --version

This is how the command would look like (once you’re done, press Enter):

(base) C:\Users\Ron>pip ––version

You’ll then see the version of PIP. For our example, the version of PIP that you’ll get is:

pip 21.1.1

That’s it, mission accomplished! You should now be able to enjoy the latest version of PIP.

From time to time, you may also want to type the following command in the Anaconda Prompt to make sure that everything is up-to-date in Anaconda:

conda update pip