수학기호 영어로 읽기 - suhaggiho yeong-eolo ilg-gi

수학기호 - (∧)모두 만족한다-명제기호, and (∧), 논리기호

//imnt.tistory.com/m/24 기초적인 기호에 대한 응용예제 1. ∀x(Fx∧Gx→Hx) = 모든 x가 (개념/함수) F와 G를 만족하면, x는 H를 만족한다(혹은 x는 H에 속한다). 2. ∃x(Fx∧¬∃y(Fy∧x≠y)) = x는 F를..


ISO-Latin-1 Named Character & Symbol (ISO-Latin-1 명명 문자와 기호)

공백 Space
! Exclamation mark
" Quotation mark
# Number sign
$ Dollar sign
% Percent sign
& Ampersand
' Apostrophe
( Left parenthesis
) Right parenthesis
* Asterisk
+ Plus sign
, Comma
- Hyphen
. Period (fullstop)
/ Slash (Solidus)
0 ~ 9 Digit 0 ~ Digit 9
: Colon
; Semicolon
< Less than
= Equals sign
> Greater than
? Question mark
@ Commercial at
A ~ Z Capital A ~ Capital Z
[ Left square bracket
\ Backslash (Reverse solidus)
] Right square bracket
^ Caret
_ Underscore (Horizontal bar)
` Acute accent
a ~ z Small a ~ Small z
{ Left curly brace
| Vertical bar
} Right curly brace
~ Tilde
¡ Inverted exclamation
Cent sign
Pound sterling
¤ General currency sign
Yen sign
| Broken vertical bar
§ Section sign
¨ Dieresis / Umlaut
ª Feminine ordinal
Left angle quote, guillemet left
Not sign
­ Soft hyphen
? Registered trademark
? Macron accent
° Degree sign
± Plus or minus
² Superscript two
³ Superscript three
´ Acute accent
μ Micro sign
Paragraph sign
· Middle dot
¸ Cedilla
¹ Superscript one
º Masculine ordinal
Right angle quote, guillemet right
¼ Fraction one-fourth
½ Fraction one-half
¾ Fraction three-fourths
¿ Inverted question mark
À Capital A with grave accent
Á Capital A with acute accent
 Capital A with circumflex
à Capital A with tilde
Ä Capital A with dieresis [다이'에러시스], Capital A with umlaut ['움라우트]
Å Capital A with ring
Æ Capital AE diphthong
Ç Capital C with cedilla
È Capital E with grave accent
É Capital E with acute accent
Ê Capital E with circumflex
Ë Capital E with dieresis / umlaut
Ì Capital I with grave accent
Í Capital I with acute accent
Î Capital I with circumflex
Ï Capital I with dieresis / umlaut
Ð Capital Eth, Icelandic
Ñ Capital N with tilde
Ò Capital O with grave accent
Ó Capital O with acute accent
Ô Capital O with circumflex
Õ Capital O with tilde
Ö Capital O with dieresis / umlaut
× Multiply sign
Ø Capital O with slash
Ù Capital U with grave accent
Ú Capital U with acute accent
Û Capital U with circumflex
Ü Capital U with dieresis / umlaut
Ý Capital Y with acute accent
Þ Capital Thorn, Icelandic
ß Small sharp s with German sz
à Small a with grave accent
á Small a with acute accent
â Small a with circumflex
ã Small a with tilde
ä Small a with dieresis / umlaut
å Small a with ring
æ Small ae diphthong
ç Small c with cedilla
è Small e with grave accent
é Small e with acute accent
ê Small e with circumflex
ë Small e with dieresis / umlaut
ì Small i with grave accent
í Small i with acute accent
î Small i with circumflex
ï Small i with dieresis / umlaut
ð Small eth, Icelandic
ñ Small n with tilde
ò Small o with grave accent
ó Small o with acute accent
ô Small o with circumflex
õ Small o with tilde
ö Small o with dieresis / umlaut
÷ Division sign
ø Small o with slash
ù Small u with grave accent
ú Small u with acute accent
û Small u with circumflex
ü Small u with dieresis / umlaut
ý Small y with acute accent
þ Small thorn, Icelandic
ÿ Small y with dieresis /umlaut

Addtional Latin Named Character & Symbol (추가 Latin 명명 문자와 기호)
Latin Extended-B 라틴문자 확장-B
ƒ Latin small f with hook, =function, =florin
Greek 그리스문자
Α Greek capital letter alpha
Β Greek capital letter beta
Γ Greek capital letter gamma
Δ Greek capital letter delta
Ε Greek capital letter epsilon
Ζ Greek capital letter zeta
Η Greek capital letter eta
Θ Greek capital letter theta
Ι Greek capital letter iota
Κ Greek capital letter kappa
Λ Greek capital letter lambda
Μ Greek capital letter mu
Ν Greek capital letter nu
Ξ Greek capital letter xi
Ο Greek capital letter omicron
Π Greek capital letter pi
Ρ Greek capital letter rho
Σ Greek capital letter sigma
Τ Greek capital letter tau
Υ Greek capital letter upsilon
Φ Greek capital letter phi
Χ Greek capital letter chi
Ψ Greek capital letter psi
Ω Greek capital letter omega
α Greek small letter alpha
β Greek small letter beta
γ Greek small letter gamma
δ Greek small letter delta
ε Greek small letter epsilon
ζ Greek small letter zeta
η Greek small letter eta
θ Greek small letter theta
ι Greek small letter iota
κ Greek small letter kappa
λ Greek small letter lambda
μ Greek small letter mu
ν Greek small letter nu
ξ Greek small letter xi
ο Greek small letter omicron
π Greek small letter pi
ρ Greek small letter rho
ς Greek small letter final sigma
σ Greek small letter sigma
τ Greek small letter tau
υ Greek small letter upsilon
φ Greek small letter phi
χ Greek small letter chi
ψ Greek small letter psi
ω Greek small letter omega
ϑ Greek small letter theta symbol
ϒ Greek upsilon with hook symbol
ϖ Greek pi symbol
General Punctuation 일반문장부호
bullet, =black small circle
horizontal ellipsis, =three dot leader
prime, =minutes, =feet
double prime, =seconds, =inches
overline, =spacing overscore
fraction slash
Letterlike Symbols 문자모양 기호
script capital P, =power set, =Weierstrass p
blackletter capital I, =imaginary part
blackletter capital R, =real part symbol
trade mark sign
alef symbol, =first transfinite cardinal
Arrows 화살표
leftward arrow
upward arrow
rightward arrow
downward arrow
left right arrow
downward arrow with corner leftward, =carriage return
leftward double arrow
upward double arrow
rightward double arrow
downward double arrow
left right double arrow
Mathematical Operators 수학 연산자
for all
partial differential
there exists
empty set, =null set, =diameter
nabla, =backward difference
element of
not an element of
contains as member
n-ary product, =product sign
n-ary sumation
minus sign
asterisk operator
square root, =radical sign
proportional to
logical and, =wedge
logical or, =vee
intersection, =cap
union, =cup
tilde operator, =varies with, =similar to
approximately equal to
almost equal to, =asymptotic to
not equal to
identical to
less-than or equal to
greater-than or equal to
subset of
superset of
not a subset of
subset of or equal to
superset of or equal to
circled plus, =direct sum
circled times, =vector product
up tack, =orthogonal to, =perpendicular
dot operator
Miscellaneous Technical 기타 기술적 기호
left ceiling, =apl upstile
right ceiling
left floor, =apl downstile
right floor
left-pointing angle bracket, =bra
right-pointing angle bracket, =ket
Geometric Shapes 기하도형
Miscellaneous Symbols 기타 기호
black spade suit
black club suit, =shamrock
black heart suit, =valentine
black diamond suit


최신 우편물
