스카이림 se 필수모드 - seukailim se pilsumodeu

사실 회사에서 점심시간에 할 거 없어서 퇴근하고 적용시킬 모드 적어두는 게시물임

즐길거 다 즐기고 해볼 모드

Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE

- 수백개의 아이템 + 수십개의 새로운 퀘스트 + 새로운 길드 = 플탐 + @


Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE

Legacy of the Dragonborn will forever change how you play Skyrim. Not just a display mod, not just a quest mod, not just a new guild mod, but a complete foundational flagship mod to build an entire lo



시체를 들고 다니기 편하게 만들어주는 모드


Realistic Ragdolls and Force

(ESP plugin)Reduces the extra force applied on ragdolls to a more reasonable level(MESH)Replaces ragdolls so that they bend and twist realistically and fall at a faster velocity, and increases f


랜턴 추가 모드


Wearable Lanterns

Adds a craftable, wearable Travel Lantern that can be hooked onto your belt or held in your hand! Torchbug Lanterns, follower support, and more!


NPC들의 길막 방지 모드


Move it Dammit - for Skyrim Special Edition

This is a simple mod that changes a few things real quick to make followers and almost any NPC move back farther than in the vanilla game. The circumstances when this does not happen is if an NPC is


락픽에 눈금


Lockpick graduation by Lilyu (Option 3) SSE


퀘스트 게시판


The Notice Board SE

This mod adds new and alternative radiant (and side) quests. It was inspired from other good games like The Witcher which make use of notice boards in their gameplay. There are two kinds of noti


이건 4K 리텍


4K Notice Board

A retexture for the Notice Board by MANNYGT available in 4K or 2K.


마법 대결 모드


Magic Duel - Reborn

Magic Duel - Reborn's goal is to make the use of destruction magic more interesting via the ability to engage in magic duels.It also allows to perform shout duels against dragons.All param


자동으로 인챈트 무기를 천천히 충전 시켜주는 모드


Passive Weapon Enchantment Recharging - Enchanted Weapons Recharge Over Time

Enchanted weapons recharge over time for you and/or your followers. Recharge speed is based on your enchanting skill. Affects all weapons and staffs in your inventory.


도시 환경 개선 모드


Expanded Towns and Cities (SSE)

Expands upon existing towns, villages, settlements, cities, etc. (This is a complete rebuild of the LE version - Not a direct port.) So far includes Darkwater Crossing, Dawnstar, Riverwood and Rorikst


몬스터 강화모드


Deadly Creatures - Dangerous animals and monsters - with larger creatures and true giants

Creatures are larger and deadlier


맑은 물


Pure Waters

Pure Waters brings beauty, refinement and realism to SSE and Skyrim VR's waters.




SkyrimSE Re-Engaged


SkyrimSE Re-Engaged ENB

(Updated 25 Feb) *Now Supports Night Eye* Includes presets for Cathedral, Vanilla, Aeqiunoctium, Obsidian, Dolomite, NAT, COT, Rustic, Vivid Weathers. Each version has Default, Ultimate and Color Corr


Darker Distant LOD for ENB


Darker Distant LOD for ENB

Darker Distant LOD for ENB to make grass blend better with distant landscape.


Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods

건물 혹은 그 주변 벌초작업


Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods

Reduce grass clipping with grass mods.


The Elder Scrolls - Veydosebrom

잔디 추가


The Elder Scrolls - Veydosebrom - Grass and Groundcover

Fills the landscape of Skyrim with beautiful combinations of grasses for a lush and vivid experience.


Alduin's Imprefvicticious and Chapper's Demonic Retexture mashup

알두인 리텍


Alduin's Imprefvicticious and Chapper's Demonic Retexture mashup

Badass alduin Retexture


Violent Alduin Patch

알두인 강화 모드


Violent Alduin Patch

Patch for Violent Alduin(On Elemental Dragons'page)Legendary Alduin battles awaitFix invincible Alduin, improve Alduin and its minions


Ultimate HD Fire Effects SSE

불을 좀더 현실과 같게 변경


Ultimate HD Fire Effects SSE

The best and most endorsed fire effects mod is now on Skyrim Special Edition Nexus! You can choose between the Ultra, Medium and Low Resolution version of the mod. This mod changes all fir


Belt-Fastened Quivers

화살통/볼트의 위치를 등에서 허리춤으로 바꿈


Belt-Fastened Quivers

Belt-Fastened Quivers repositions quivers and crossbow bolts in order to be more "backpack friendly" for the player and all NPCs. The position is similar to the quiver location in Dark Souls.


Arcanum - A New Age of Magic

마법 주문 추가 모드


Arcanum - A New Age of Magic

Years in the making, Arcanum is a massive spell mod that aims to combine unique gameplay with visual effects of a quality never attempted before in Skyrim. With 100 spells complete, 300+ spells planne



모드가 많아서 게임 시작 로딩이 길 경우 .ini 캐시를 통해 빠른 로딩을 하도록 도와줌


PrivateProfileRedirector SE - Faster game start (INI file cacher)

Speeds up game start by storing INI files in memory instead of opening, parsing and closing the file each time some value from it is needed.


Immersive Sounds - Compendium

사운드 추가


Immersive Sounds - Compendium

A dramatic and extensively customizable overhaul of Skyrim's sound.


Enhanced Lights and FX

빛효과 자체 향상 모드


Enhanced Lights and FX

Enhanced Lights and FX has the goal to create a more dramatic and realistic mood to the Skyrim lighting.


No snow under the roof

지붕 밑 눈 제거


No snow under the roof

This mod adds 3d snow on snow covered farms and removes the snow from under the roofs .


SSE Texture Pack

스카이림 지형 관련 텍스처를 2K로 바꿔줌


SSE Texture Pack - Osmodius

A hi-res 2K texture pack for Skyrim Special Edition. Covers landscapes and cities. 2 months into this project and it's still a work in progress. Expect continued support and updates.


Realistic Water Two

물 패치 모드


Realistic Water Two

With this mod creek, lake, marsh, pond, river, and ocean water are once again visually and aurally distinct from one another.


HD Road Signs

도로 표지판 리텍


HD Road Signs - 2K and 4K

Small texture replacer for Road Signs


CLARALUX SSE - Controllable Lights Everywhere

스카이림 전역에 조명 추가


CLARALUX SSE - Controllable Lights Everywhere

Completely REBUILT for SSE! With IN-GAME LIGHT ADJUSTERS! Adds 1000s of new light


Blowing in the Wind

간판 및 랜턴이 바람의 영향을 받음


Blowing in the Wind

Skyrim is a windy region, yet hanging lanterns and signs outside stores and inns are unaffected by the strong winds. This subtle immersion mod enables signs and lanterns to react to wind like they log


Teach Followers Spells Through Spell Tomes SE

동료에게 내가 가지고 있는 마법책으로 마법 가르치기

(사실상 동료 관리 모드로 내가 알고 있는 마법을 가르칠 수 있으나 노잼)


Teach Followers Spells Through Spell Tomes SE

Allows you to teach spells to followers by giving them spell tomes.


저장 가능 상자 소환 마법


Summonable Voiced Ethereal Chest

Summon a chest, directly from a Realm of Oblivion. Now with voice, bones and skulls! Balanced and compatible with everything.



Acquisitive Soul Gems Multithreaded

이름에 왜 멀티쓰레드가..!

소울잼을 보다 똑똑하게 충전하는 모드. 큰 소울잼에 소형 영혼이 충전된다거나 하는 걸 막아준다.

LE 버전의 Smart Souls 와 같은 개념의 모드 (SE는 Smart Souls 모드가 없더라..)


Acquisitive Soul Gems Multithreaded

This plugin changes the soul trap spells and enchantments so you never underfill a soul gem, and unlike the original, has full support for trapping multiple souls at once, as well as never needing com


Fantasy Soundtrack Project SE

사운드 추가 모드

총 12시간 이상의 사운드를 추가해준다고 적혀있음.


Fantasy Soundtrack Project SE

Fantasy Soundtrack Project provides 800+ minutes (12+ hours) of new music for TESV: Skyirm. 235+ orchestral and instrumental fantasy/epic music tracks for exploring, towns, taverns and castles.


Black Mage Armor SE

법사용 무장 로브


Black Mage Armor SE

Black Mage Armor is a standalone armor mod that includes Cloth, Light, and Heavy armor sets that are all craftable, enchantable, and upgradable; all sets can be used by every race, male or female.


Dragon Carved Armor Set

새로운 갑옷 추가


Dragon Carved Armor Set

New heavy armor set


Skyrim Fishing SE



Skyrim Fishing SE

Ever wanted to spend time fishing in Skyrim? Well now you can!



아래의 Wintermyst 모드의 리마스터 버전.

120개의 새로운 마법 부여 아이템 추가


Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim

Summermyst adds 120 new enchantments to the game. The new enchantments are integrated seamlessly into the vanilla item system. It also makes many improvements to vanilla enchantments.


- 패치


Summermyst Patch - Loot and Degradation SE

Patch for Summermyst and Loot and Degradation



Summermyst 의 바로 전 버전.

124개의 새로운 마법 부여 아이템 추가


Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim

Adds 124 brand new enchantments to the game, accessible through thousands of new enchanted items that are integrated seamlessly into loot lists and vendor inventories.




Wintermyst Patch - Loot and Degradation SE

Makes that Loot and Degradation distribute Wintermyst enchantments to NPCs` Armors and Weapons.


Immersive Jewelry SSE

최대 5개의 반지( 기본 3 + 결혼 반지 1 + 특정 퀘스트 완료시 1 ) 착용과 2개의 팔찌

오른쪽 반지 / 왼쪽 반지로 나뉘는 게 아니라 1개 반지를 좌우에 나눠 낀다는 개념


한글화가 없고 용량이 너무 커서( 1기가 ) 제외

(사실상 한글화 없는게 치명타)

Jewelry Limiter

Immersive Jewelry SSE 의 대체모드.

반지나 목걸이를 다중 착용 가능하고, 그 최대치를 MCM에서 정할 수 있다.

바닐라나 모드의 반지/목걸이 모두 가능하다.

단, 다른 다중 착용 모드랑은 충돌남.

현재(20.03.09) 있는 문제로는 반지 혹은 목걸이를 여러개 착용/해제를 빠르게 할 경우 반지/목걸이가 해당 분류가 아닌 -(기타)로 분류되는 경우가 있다.

그래서 감옥을 가면 안됨.. (강제 순한 양 모드..) 

수정 : 반지가 기타로 분류가 되도 착용한 후 천천히 해제를 하면 다시 반지 분류로 바뀜.

참고로 최초 업로드가 18.12.24 이며 한글 번역 모드도 없는 따끈따끈한 모드

(그래서 내가 번역했다. > Jewelry Limiter 한글 번역 )


Jewelry Limiter - Another Multiple Rings and Amulets Mod

Allows you to equip multiple rings and amulets, and set a limit for how many in the MCM.


Fast Travel Speed Fix

바닐라에서 원거리 빠른 이동시 스킵되는 시간이 현실적이지 않은 걸(= 경과되는 시간이 짧다) 수정해주는 모드


Fast Travel Speed Fix

Analogous to the 'Fast travel timescale fix' from Skyrim, this mod adjusts a game setting variable in an effort to change the amount of time that passes during your fast travel.


No NPC Greeting_SSE

툭하면 인사하는 NPC의 주댕이를 닥치게 할 수 있음.


No NPC Greeting_SSE

This is a Special Edition port of the original No NPC Greeting mod created by Cipscis (ALL CREDITS GOES TO ORIGINAL MOD CREATOR, all I have done is port this to Special Edition. ORIGINAL M


Rebalanced Leveled Lists

던전 클리어 후 마지막 보상 상자에 들어있는 아이템의 드랍 밸런스 잡아주는 모드
어렵게 깼는데 허접한 아이템이 있는 것을 최대한 방지해줌.


Rebalanced Leveled Lists

Herein lies a simple idea, with branching leveled lists expanding many unrewarding loot pools in a simple fashion.



Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO SE


Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO SE

Adds over 5,000 lines of completely voiced dialogue for NPCs using the original voices. Friends, followers, spouses, rivals, and others have much more to say. All default voices now have follower dial


Ebony Valkyrie Armor

에보니 발키리 갑옷 세트 추가


Ebony Valkyrie Armor (by comrade1280) - SSE Custom Port

STANDALONE custom port of Ebony Valkyrie Armor by comrade1280, featuring Heavy and Light armor sets!



최신 우편물
