블렌더 FBX 익스포트 텍스쳐 - beullendeo FBX igseupoteu tegseuchyeo

In this article you will find

  • Intro­duc­tion to the topic
  • A video show­ing the method I pre­fer to use to export 3D mod­els from Blender to Uni­ty. Use this method if you sim­ply want to take a 3D mod­el with tex­tures from Blender to Uni­ty.
  • Step by step sum­ma­ry to export 3D mod­el in FBX for­mat with tex­tures includ­ed in the FBX file.
  • A video show­ing a method to export 3D mod­els with TEXTURES INCLUDED IN THE FBX FILE. Use­ful to upload 3d mod­els with tex­ture to a web­site for example.
  • Detailed infor­ma­tion about the process to export Blender 3D mod­els with tex­tures includ­ed in the FBX file.


When we export a 3D mod­el in FBX for­mat in Blender, inside the file is not only the infor­ma­tion of the 3D mesh, but many more ele­ments are added, for exam­ple the UV map, mate­ri­als and even the col­ors of the mate­ri­als, these ele­ments can then be recov­ered in oth­er soft­ware, for exam­ple Uni­ty, how­ev­er the tex­tures are not auto­mat­i­cal­ly includ­ed in the FBX file, in this arti­cle we will see how to pack the tex­tures applied to a mod­el with­in the FBX file in Blender.


In the fol­low­ing video you will see the method I pre­fer to export mod­els from blender to Uni­ty, with this method the tex­tures are not includ­ed in the FBX file, but must be tak­en to Uni­ty sep­a­rate­ly.

by the way, I have several videos with tips and tricks for Blender that you may find useful


Steps to export model with textures from Blender to Unity

1. Select the mod­els to be export­ed, mak­ing sure that tex­tured mate­ri­als are applied to them.

2. Go to File > Export > FBX and check the "Select Objects" check­box to export only the select­ed objects.

3. Change the "Path Mode" para­me­ter to "Copy" and click on the "Embed Tex­tures" but­ton to the right of the "Path Mode" drop-down menu.

4. Give it a name, export and then trans­fer the file to Unity.

5. Select the mod­el and go to the mate­ri­als tab in the inspec­tor. Click on the "Extract Tex­tures" option and choose the des­ti­na­tion fold­er. This will extract the tex­tures from the FBX file and in my case they are applied automatically.

Use this method if you need to pack the tex­tures in the same file as the 3d model.



Detailed process for exporting model with textures from Blender to Unity

Now let's see in detail the sequence of steps above, it con­sists of two parts, one part that is done in Blender and anoth­er one that is done in Unity.


You have a mod­el that has tex­tures applied to it as shown in fig­ure 1.

Fig. 1: We start from a 3D mod­el that has a mate­r­i­al with a tex­ture applied.

We go to the FIle > Export tab and choose the FBX option, the export win­dow will open, there we can choose the des­ti­na­tion fold­er and the file name, in par­tic­u­lar I always check the "Select­ed Objects" check­box so that only the mod­els I have select­ed are export­ed, oth­er­wise unwant­ed objects, such as lights and cam­eras, would be exported.

In order for the tex­tures to be includ­ed in the file it is nec­es­sary to do two things, the first is to change the "Path Mode" para­me­ter to "Copy", as shown in fig­ure 4. The sec­ond thing is to acti­vate the but­ton on the right of the Path Mode drop­down menu (as shown in fig­ure 5), that will embed the tex­tures in the FBX file.


Once the mod­el is export­ed with the pre­vi­ous method, we take that FBX file to Uni­ty, we should see some­thing sim­i­lar to what we see in fig­ure 6. Inside the mod­el we only see the mesh­es and mate­ri­als that are includ­ed, notice that the tex­tures are still not there.

Fig. 6: We bring the 3D mod­el into Uni­ty, the tex­tures do not appear automatically.

With the mod­el select­ed we go to the Inspec­tor win­dow and enter the "Mate­ri­als" tab, fig­ure 7. Inside Mate­ri­als we have a but­ton to extract the tex­tures, we press it and choose the des­ti­na­tion fold­er in the pop-up window.

This extracts the tex­tures that come from with­in the mod­el and even applies them to the material.

Fig. 9: Extract the tex­tures that are packed in the FBX file.


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