아두이노 업로드 타임 아웃 - adu-ino eoblodeu taim aus

  1. crstffr New Member

    Joined:Nov 9, 2017Messages: 5Likes Received:2

    Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me out here. I've searched the forum and followed the other answers that I've found to no avail.

    What I have:

    • Udoo x86 Advanced Plus (BIOS 1.03)
    • MX Linux 16.1 (Debian 8 jessie)
    • Arduino IDE 1.8.4
    What I have done:
    • Ensured the USB port for Arduino 101 is enabled in BIOS
    • Added my user to the dialout group
    • Installed Intel Curie Arduino 101 board in Arduino IDE
    • Run create_dfu_udev_rule script and rebooted
    • Loaded "Blink" example sketch
    • Selected "Arduino/Genuino 101" board
    • Selected "/dev/ttyACM1 (Arduino/Genuino 101)" port
    • Selected "USBasp" programmer
    • Upload sketch
    What I get

    Starting download script... Flashing is taking longer than expected. Try pressing MASTER_RESET button ERROR: Timed out waiting for Arduino 101 on /dev/ttyACM1

    I notice that most threads (and the documentation) indicate that the Arduino 101 is at /dev/ttyACM0, but it looks like an Intel Bluetooth module takes that slot for me, leaving my Arduino at ttyACM1.

    Is there anything else I can try to do to make this work?

    Thanks a ton,

  2. crstffr New Member

    Joined:Nov 9, 2017Messages:5Likes Received:2

    So I figured out the problem literally 1 minute after posting this. If that isn't just the way it goes.

    The solution is to take the error message literally - Try pressing MASTER_RESET button - immediately when it says it. I have my Udoo in a box so it's not easy to access that button, and the message does not last long before timing out. But alas, when I pressed the button immediately after the message popped up, my sketch uploads.

    Now my question shifts to this: why do I need to manually reset the Arduino to upload a sketch? Can that be fixed?

  3. There is a long answer to that problem with the usb uart and the board needing to be reset.

    The other solution is this


    In CN12, The third pin from the top is the reset, add that to a switch to a ground and that is what master reset button does.

  4. crstffr New Member

    Joined:Nov 9, 2017Messages:5Likes Received:2

    Thank you for your response. It's good to know I can easily breakout the Arduino master reset switch.

  5. ONECore New Member

    Joined:Jul 5, 2019Messages:5Likes Received:2

    I am having the same issue, and have tried the obvious M Ret button push, at every conceivable time during/before/after pushing upload to no avail. I know the switch is working because the LED by the HDMI will stop flashing when pushed, and I have about 5 seconds to get board information, after which this option and the option to select the board will be greyed out.

    I have tried this on Ubuntu 19.04 and 16.04. I have also tried this with the 101 core scripts versions 2.0.4 and 2.0.2.

    Please help, I've chased my tail on this for like freaking 10 hours.

  6. waltervl UDOOer

    Joined:Dec 12, 2015Messages:2,314Likes Received:580

    Did you try to reinstall the Arduino IDE and 101 board manager after a complete deletion of all Arduino files, including the .arduino15 folder in your home? Part of the 8nstallatipn is the driver which fails a lot. Also the 101 needs a BLE firmware update that is part of the first uploading of a sketch.

    I succeeded eventually by using a fresh installation, rebooting the Udoo X86, press the Arduino reset button and compile and upload the the blink example.

  7. ONECore New Member

    Joined:Jul 5, 2019Messages:5Likes Received:2

    Hello, thanks for the reply!

    I did (several times, on Ubuntu 16 and 19) attempt the uninstall of arduino with sudo ./uninstall.sh, then manually deleted the .arduino15, then sudo ./install.sh, and then installation of the 101 under boards. Then of course the usermod, log out/log in, and the two dfu commands.

    I have pushed the button, then compiled. I have compiled, pushed the button when it asks. Before, during, after, compile.

    Le sigh.

  8. waltervl UDOOer

    Joined:Dec 12, 2015Messages:2,314Likes Received:580

    Your Bluetooth comment triggered me: In the Udoo Bolt documentation there is mention of modemmanager process blocking uploading of files. Perhaps you have this same issue: //www.udoo.org/docs-bolt/Ardu...4)/Getting_Started_with_Arduino_Leonardo.html

    Please confirm as that could help others and also documention should be updated for the Udoo X86 also.

  9. ONECore New Member

    Joined:Jul 5, 2019Messages:5Likes Received:2

    Awesome idea, I have not yet thrown it in the trash, I'll test this first thing in the am. In fact, I just remembered I ordered two of these, so I can do a bit of diagnostic there as well.

  10. ONECore New Member

    Joined:Jul 5, 2019Messages:5Likes Received:2

    Unfortunately, the ModemManager stop, disable, and even purge has no effect. This is across TWO x86 boards, each running Ubuntu 16.04 fresh, except for the installation of Arduino and Curie 101.

    From //forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=129647.30 I also tried
    '''sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart'''

    But nothing. With the arduino wired in, I can't attempt an unplug/replug, but that is what the reset is for, right? And I believe the reset is working, because the flashing LED will stop when reset is depressed.

  11. ONECore New Member

    Joined:Jul 5, 2019Messages:5Likes Received:2

    Update: my issue was caused by user error. I shouldn't be allowed around computers and apologize for noob-ing up.

    I have two Udoo x86 II, not the version 1. So, hur de dur, yeah, I shouldn't expect the curie to work WHEN THERE IS NONE. I have the Leonardo boards.

    *walks out with tail tucked*

  12. waltervl UDOOer

    Joined:Dec 12, 2015Messages:2,314Likes Received:580

    Yeah, for me the lesson to ask next time which Udoo X86 someone has Glad it works!

    ektor5 and evaloverde like this.

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